“The finest source of information available about organizing in the interconnected digital age”
Reviews and comments from people around the world who have been watching my work and interacting with me for many years.
Annual checkpoints on the digital journey
The overriding purpose of my 10-year long research has been to provide annual checkpoints for people involved in digital transformation of organizations. Each yearly report since 2006 has highlighted both status points and challenges on the digital journey. This evidence-based, multi-year narrative has helped many organizations understand where they are and what they want to achieve.
See the Table of Contents for the last four annual reports.
Organizations around the world participate each year for different reasons:
“The data confirms our intuition about several priority areas for our next phase.”
“It helps us get a realistic perspective on our case.”
“Decision-makers value this kind of data.”
Advisory Boards
For the last four years, annual Advisory Boards made up of 15 to 20 people who are experienced digital managers from business and government as well as thought leaders from different countries provide guidance and feedback. A total of 55 people have played this role once or several times since 2014.
Scope of research
The research started in 2006 with a focus on the internal digital work environment with a 2.0 social dimension, then evolved to a digital workplace scope, and, as of 2014, focused on the organization in the digital age – emphasizing leadership, mindset and work cultures. Survey questions include deployment of digital technologies, mobile strategies and policies, social networks and communities, teamwork practices, performance and incentives, learning approaches, customer collaboration, leadership styles, decision-making, challenges, obstacles and change factors. See the core questions and the extended questions from the 10th year.
Approximately 300 organizations participate each year. They are located around the world, operate in a wide range of sectors, and include some of the world’s largest companies along with small organizations, NGOs and other non-corporate organization such as government agencies.
The vast majority of survey participants are digital, functional or operational managers in their organizations; they are rarely upper management and are therefore close to the workforce and frontlines.
Case studies and interviews
Case studies and interviews in the 2017 report bring real-life dimensions to data and analysis. The interviews were conducted by myself between July and September 2016.
Request a free copy of the Executive Summary.